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Сообщения за октябрь, 2018

Is Viagra Bad For You?

Short answer If you do not have erectile dysfunction, yes it is bad for you! If you do have ED be sure to take under the consent of your doctor. Long answer Viagra is used mostly by men ages 50-60 specifically for erectile dysfunction, or in other words where the heart cannot pump enough blood to become erect. However, recreational use of viagra by younger men has become increasingly popular in the last few years. If you do not have ED (erectile dysfunction) you SHOULD NOT use viagra. It is not a libido booster, and will most likely lead to unwanted side effects if you are not using it properly. To start off, using viagra recreationally will most likely result in becoming dependent on it, resulting in actually developing erectile dysfunction. This means it will become "hard to get hard", and you will find yourself needing viagra to have sex (possibly even more powerful remedies in the future - such as injections or implants). Taking viagra on a normal basis can le

Non perdere salutem: Drug Also Helps Women With Antidepressant-Related ...

Non perdere salutem: Drug Also Helps Women With Antidepressant-Related ... : Erectile Dysfunction Drug Also Helps Women With Antidepressant-Related Sexual Problems.              �� Viagra, often prescribed to hel...