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Сообщения за ноябрь, 2018

What age does a man become impotent?

Common Causes of Impotence Endocrine Diseases The body’s endocrine system produces hormones that regulate metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood, and much more. Diabetes is an example of an endocrine disease that can cause a person to experience impotence. Diabetes affects the body’s ability to utilize the hormone insulin. One of the side effects associated with chronic diabetes is nerve damage. This affects penis sensations. Other complications associated with diabetes are impaired blood flow and hormone levels. Both of these factors can contribute to impotence. Neurological and Nerve Disorders Several neurologic conditions can increase the risk for impotence. Nerve conditions affect the brain’s ability to communicate with the reproductive system. This can prevent a person from achieving an erection, people who have had prostate gland surgery can also experience nerve damage that causes impotence. Long distance bicycle riders can also experience temporary im